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Top Tips on Birthday Gifts for a One Year Old

 When you receive an invitation for a first birthday party, the toughest decision to make is the selection of a perfect gift. Since the occasion is special, you want your gift to be special too. But more the options, the more confused you tend to be. Here are few tips that will help you decide the special gift:

Toys: This is the obvious thing one would buy for a kid. But with the huge variety, the decision is difficult to make. Toys can be educational like jig saw puzzles, blocks or they may be entertaining like dolls or soft toys. Whatever you buy, prefer a good quality, brand and absolutely no hazards for the kid.
Clothes: The fashion and designs for young people are tempting nowadays. You may very well go in for this gift. But you need to remember two things- prefer a size that's a bit bigger. The baby will use it later. Secondly, as kids grow rapidly, clothes will be discarded within a few months no matter how costly they are.
Books: This is a great gift. There are books designed exclusively for this age group. They have large bright colorful pictures and hard tough pages. Kids enjoy that!
Accessories: Tricycle, baby play yard, walker and other such equipments are also a great idea. However in this case too, quality and safety assurance are a must.
Tips: When you gift a one year old kid, always make sure that the object is safe, free from hazards and of a good brand.

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